Somday when we�re dreaming, deep in love not a lot to say, then we will remember the things we said today.

getting over - 2:09 a.m. , 2009-01-29

a feel-good sorta sunday - 6:08 p.m. , 2008-11-16

the learning curve - 12:52 a.m. , 2008-11-16

I don't see why not. - 10:07 a.m. , 2008-10-24

diggum! - 1:42 a.m. , 2008-10-17

Insert witty comment here


so much in like!

I fell asleep snuggled up to mike, not certain if I was being comfortable or intrusive. he seemed to enjoy it but I couldn't always tell if he was asleep or not. and each time we'd switch position I'd feel tension and wonder if I should make a move, or just slow my breaths and enjoy the feeling. I breathed in his smell and the luxurious feel of his clothes and his bedding and wished that my feet weren't so cold. Life was better once I put my socks on. it had been established that mike wasn't planning on having a night like the one we had the last time - and I'd have to fight chip for space in his bed. this and the residual dose of mushrooms caused my brain to try to decide if i'm falling in love with him or not.

definitely infatuated - but yanno, sure i love him. by default, even, because of who he is in relation to other people i love. oh and he's a redhead! compelling and cute and an artist and poet. why not just be enthralled. he's fuckin' adorable and is 7 boys I have a crush on all rolled into one.

I woke to his alarm and tried to wake him when I didn't hear the snooze, to no avail. Eventually we embraced and I told him how hard it had been not to get in his pants all night. he responded by reminding me how hard he was in his pants. i love giving head in the morning.

we rode to work mostly in silence as there was a guy sitting between us. a hug and kiss later and I'm home and super sleepy but so elated.

I'm glad he invited me out.

Before � � After

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i has a new crush
2008-05-08 | 11:35 a.m.

Mimi Smartypants
Cosmic Amanda
Uncle Bob

Real Life...

Baby Bloo

I like pickles *The rest...*