Somday when we�re dreaming, deep in love not a lot to say, then we will remember the things we said today.

getting over - 2:09 a.m. , 2009-01-29

a feel-good sorta sunday - 6:08 p.m. , 2008-11-16

the learning curve - 12:52 a.m. , 2008-11-16

I don't see why not. - 10:07 a.m. , 2008-10-24

diggum! - 1:42 a.m. , 2008-10-17

Insert witty comment here


Happiness. Relaxation.

What a great weekend. It started off not-so-great.... Thursday night was Mikey's birthday dinner @ Nyala. That was awesome and muy yummy. I got to ogle Danl's bald head, and flirt with Jacob, BoRyan, and Gino, all at the same time! Much fun was had, much food and drink was had as well.

I get home, and ask Scott if it would be possible to get another ticket to Saturday's game vs UCLA...knowing that he had mine, because Sach had told me the other day, "I gave yer ticket to scott!"

We confirmed that I was indeed going. I really wanted to go. Shawn @ work had asked if I could hook somthing up, so I asked Scott. He thought I wasn't going, and gave my ticket to BillE. I recall being fairly belligerent... "Too bad, it's my ticket." I was a lil drunk. And he pissed me off, because he never asked me if I wanted to go.

I talked w/ BillE, and he agreed that the ticket was mine. I however, am a cool juju, and told him he could have it. :) Drama ensued on the boards. Scott got all huffy, "well you pissed me off, so you're not going." I hate it when he acts like a 10 year old. The point of the matter was, that it bugged me that 1) he didn't ASK me if I was going or not, and 2) he gave a ticket away which wasn't HIS to begin with, and then acted like it was his right to withhold it. Bleh. Sometimes he gets a lil too big for his britches. Dummy. I know I'm not in the wrong on this one tho, and it only made him look immature by his lame posts. C'est la vie, I'm over it. We'll see how long it takes before he talks to me.

It was a classic case of Juju feeling like her friends aren't paying enough attention to her needs. Because really, if scott had asked me, and told me that BillE didn't have a ticket, I would have just given him mine, because I knew this was the only game he'd been able to go to. I'm a good friend like that. And it hurts me to know that my friendship doesn't get reciprocated in ways like that. Aah well. I'd already given BillE a guilt trip earlier that week because nobody said, "hey juju I'll camp with you". Which I think billy should have. even if he didn't mean it... I think he should have made the effort. What's the point in having all these crappy boyfriends who don't put out, if they aren't even gonna step up to the plate when I need one? So, Paulo went with me to the party instead of camping. And I'm really really glad I did. Because... I had a damn good time. More to come on that later.

Before � � After

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drama with boys...
2001-11-18 | 6:21 p.m.

Mimi Smartypants
Cosmic Amanda
Uncle Bob

Real Life...

Baby Bloo

I like pickles *The rest...*