Somday when we�re dreaming, deep in love not a lot to say, then we will remember the things we said today.

getting over - 2:09 a.m. , 2009-01-29

a feel-good sorta sunday - 6:08 p.m. , 2008-11-16

the learning curve - 12:52 a.m. , 2008-11-16

I don't see why not. - 10:07 a.m. , 2008-10-24

diggum! - 1:42 a.m. , 2008-10-17

Insert witty comment here


I'm really frustrated right now.

I hate the general public. I shouldn't, because they're not the ones I work with. However, these morons are a part of the general public, and since their parents raised them to be morons, I have to hate the society which so ill-prepared them for real life.

What ever happened to curiosity? I refuse to believe that I'm just smarter than a lot of people. Coz, I know I'm not. I'm curious, though. I always wanted to know why things happened or how they worked when I was younger. I still feel the same way... maybe it's because I'm nosy, I'm not sure. But I refuse to just sit here and let things pass me by without EVER questioning WHY I'm doing something.

I guess people have been taught NOT to question authority. Which leads to them thinking that things are great, and they don't need to improve on anything. Bleh! My mom said to me, last time we were frying together, "you're always so concerned about changing shit! You can't be satisfied with the status quo."

Yep. Fuck that. Why should I sit here and be fat and complacent, when things suck? I don't, and I never have. It was funny coming from Mom, who was a friggin hippie and protester and fought to be able to wear jeans to school in the early 70s and shit. Whatever happened to that rebellious spirit, mom? Sheesh. I guess, I've never had much to rebel against. However, I always knew that I wanted better things for myself than livin in that pissant whitetrash town. I didn't want to have to wash my dishes in the bathtub coz the goddamn sink was always broken. Fuck that shit. If things don't work, I FIX THEM. And if I don't know how to fix em, I find someone who can. But I won't sit around for 6 months with a light out coz I'm too lazy to change it. Heh... of course, I will drive around for a year with a broken radio coz I'm stupid... but that's another story. That's me havin fucked up priorities,and refusing to spend more $$ than I already have. Ok, tis 6, I'll finish this later.

Before � � After

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fuck the status quo
2001-11-06 | 5:54 p.m.

Mimi Smartypants
Cosmic Amanda
Uncle Bob

Real Life...

Baby Bloo

I like pickles *The rest...*