Somday when we�re dreaming, deep in love not a lot to say, then we will remember the things we said today.

getting over - 2:09 a.m. , 2009-01-29

a feel-good sorta sunday - 6:08 p.m. , 2008-11-16

the learning curve - 12:52 a.m. , 2008-11-16

I don't see why not. - 10:07 a.m. , 2008-10-24

diggum! - 1:42 a.m. , 2008-10-17

Insert witty comment here


So, I'm almost a week late, but I've gotta do an entry about the fun fun fun time I had last weekend out in the desert.

Sheesh. Kevin has pics up already, here's one I really love. You can totally see the big ass meteors. Yummy.

The coolest thing about this party is the fact that I went virtually by myself. Ok, in all honesty, I drove out with Paulo, and Kuzya followed us. Let me clarify then, I meant without Mikey or one of my core party group. I guess Paulo's starting to become one of them, though :) I love the fact that I only knew for sure that Erik would be there, spinning, and I knew Dana would be there. And Mike B. That's it. I didn't have a clue exactly who'd be there, I was just hoping. Not even hoping... just knowing. I was confident in the fact that if I knew at least one person there, I'd have a good time. And I did.

I flitted around from campfire to campfire when we first got there, looking for familiar faces. I found Stephanie, Masa, and then Karen, who led me to Mike. We set our blanket down in a populated area, and busted out the cookies. I'm SO glad I made so many, they were quite the great opening line. No better way to foster goodwill amongst cool peeps, to offer them baked goods. :) And there were some damned cool people there. I spent a lot of time talking to Alexis, Ryan, Chandra, Beth, Jase, and this other cool guy named Ben. I really liked ben. I emailed him as I was leaving, while I still rememberd it.

We made plans to hang out again... which ended up being last night. Wally was spinnin at Break Yo Self, and Lagger and I were sposed to meet up in OC after we each got off our respective jobs. So I invited Ben to go along, mebbe catch a movie. Wed rolled around, I got the email from Ben, saying he'd dig it, and his digits. I called Lagger, only to find out he was cancelling. Well, how conveeeenient. Heh. Fack, don't want ben to think I'm settin it up... but then again, that's not my style. If I wanted to hang w/ ben, I woulda asked. Despite having other people there. So, I did, and he was totally down. *Score!* Having new boys to hang out with is always a good thing.

Movie was cool, dancing was dope, Wally broke my heart yet again, we had some kickin conversations. He's entertaining. I like that. And apparently I entertain him too, coz I talk so much. Whateva, if I'm entertaining, it can't be bad. :) Came back to his house, where I crashed on the couch while he spun records. Woke up at 9, came home... Thanksgivin!

Before � � After

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amazing times in the desert and beyond
2001-11-22 | 7:13 p.m.

Mimi Smartypants
Cosmic Amanda
Uncle Bob

Real Life...

Baby Bloo

I like pickles *The rest...*